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Classical Rumba Music
Posted by benwf83
6/9/2014  8:58:00 AM
I will be dancing an international rumba for an event that is supposed to be like it is 100 years ago or more. I was wondering if anyone knew of any music (preferably classical) that would be suitable for this event. I understand that this is somewhat impractical as a concept, but it is what we have to deal with, so any advice would be appreciated.
Re: Classical Rumba Music
Posted by nloftofan1
6/11/2014  8:46:00 AM
This is a bit of a cheat. 100 or more years ago nobody would have danced a Rumba. So I'm suggesting music from a little less than 100 years ago: Ravel's Bolero. I'm not sure if it's suitable for the dance we now call Bolero, but I think you could dance an International Rumba to Ravel's Bolero. You need to look for a version that plays the music slowly. Many orchestras play it faster than Ravel intended, and doing a Rumba to those versions would be a race.

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